Momentary – The father son photo experience

Momentary – a gerhard richter inspired photo series

Artwork by Björn Nonhoff.

First Exhibition: planned 2018 in germany


About the series

When travelling to London for a father and son trip due to his 16th birthday we had to commute to Gatwick airport. The train was kind of slow and my son in an intermediate state after enjoying London and its highlights. So I took my Iphone and shot this panorama pictures. Due to the movement great effects came into the pictures. They reminded me on the rakel technique used by Gerhard Richter for some of his paintings.

Here is a selection of the photographies.



paperlove – contempory art exhibition

E x h i b i t i o n  – #paperlove

T h a n k   y o u   f o r   m a k i n g   t h i s   g  r  e  a  t   🙂

In January 2017 the artist Björn Nonhoff took his recent work and combined themin the rooms of the Kunstverein Ebersberg. A lot of people came and we had some great time, talking, looking, danying, enjoying art and life.

Thank  for all your time and love .

Here are some memories and movies from the exhibiton #paperlove 2017.

a walk through the exhibition on sunday, after the storytelling performance.

Before opening the exhibition I walked through it with my youngest son.

We felt like burglars in the museum and had fun exploring the different pictures.

and as a memory the invitation as well

t h e     a r t i s t     i s    p r e s e n c e  

Freitag 27.1.2017

O  P  E  N  I  N  G    &   D  A  N  C  E     P  E  R  F  O  R  M  A  N  C  E

Saturday  28.1.2017

 A  F  T  E  R  N  O  O  N     I  N  S  P  I  R  A  T  I  O  N  S

Sunday 29.1.2017

S  H  O   W    &    S  T  O  R  Y  T  E  L  L  I  N  G

C  O  U  R  A  G  E

H  O  N  E  S  T  Y

C  O  M  P  A  S  S  I  O  N

St   A  R  T  up

F  R  E  E  D  O  M

I  N  S  P  I  R  A  T  I  O  N

EXHIBITIONS – 2001 until 2016

26-28 November 2016

P  A  A  R  W  E  I  S  E

artist group of atelier north


L  I  C  K    M  Y    H  E  A  R  T

global photo installation , smartphone potraits with people showing their tongue

C  O  U  R  A  G  E

14th floor of the Munich RE Office


L  O  V  E      P  O  S  T  C  A  R  D  S
postcards exhibited in different public places / munich


F  U  L  L  M  O  O  N      A  R  T
Idigital moving art  at group exhibition with other local artists


R  E  G  E  N  B  O  G  E  N  B  I  L  D  E  R
seletion of Acryl on Canvass shown in the showroom of Hotel Hasi, Bavaria


L  O  V  E   –  A  T  E  L  I  E  R   8
Exhibition in the architect studio 8 in waging, germany