innoart – art for innovative environments

Innoart – innovation and art

placing of contemporary art in an innovation lab – TheLab Munich

As an innovation coach, I came to support StartUp Projects in an innovation environment. As an artist, I was searching for places to exhibit my artwork. It was 2016 when I got the chance to combine both professions and some very large canvass came to the walls of the stairway in Werk3, Werksviertel Mitte. A trendy atmosphere to put my art in.

Started in the stairways I soon moved into the modern meeting rooms. They were equipped with modern technique, plants, table tennis and table football. So for these rooms, I needed something special. Wild. Innovative. Not framed. It was large paperwork which I ripped into pieces and used tape to put them onto the wall.

art in the style of – innovation

reflect the trial and error culture

 capture the volatility, complexity & ambiguity
VUCA world moods in this innovation zone

 work with the funding Igot – nothing

 listen to customer reactions

reflecting the values of TheLAB





rapid prototyping


W  I  N  T  E  R  L  O  V  E

A c r y l   o n   p a p e r

1 0 0  x  8 0  c m

4 4 7 , 0 0  e u r o

paperlove – contempory art exhibition

E x h i b i t i o n  – #paperlove

T h a n k   y o u   f o r   m a k i n g   t h i s   g  r  e  a  t   🙂

In January 2017 the artist Björn Nonhoff took his recent work and combined themin the rooms of the Kunstverein Ebersberg. A lot of people came and we had some great time, talking, looking, danying, enjoying art and life.

Thank  for all your time and love .

Here are some memories and movies from the exhibiton #paperlove 2017.

a walk through the exhibition on sunday, after the storytelling performance.

Before opening the exhibition I walked through it with my youngest son.

We felt like burglars in the museum and had fun exploring the different pictures.

and as a memory the invitation as well

t h e     a r t i s t     i s    p r e s e n c e  

Freitag 27.1.2017

O  P  E  N  I  N  G    &   D  A  N  C  E     P  E  R  F  O  R  M  A  N  C  E

Saturday  28.1.2017

 A  F  T  E  R  N  O  O  N     I  N  S  P  I  R  A  T  I  O  N  S

Sunday 29.1.2017

S  H  O   W    &    S  T  O  R  Y  T  E  L  L  I  N  G

C  O  U  R  A  G  E

H  O  N  E  S  T  Y

C  O  M  P  A  S  S  I  O  N

St   A  R  T  up

F  R  E  E  D  O  M

I  N  S  P  I  R  A  T  I  O  N

EXHIBITIONS – 2001 until 2016

26-28 November 2016

P  A  A  R  W  E  I  S  E

artist group of atelier north


L  I  C  K    M  Y    H  E  A  R  T

global photo installation , smartphone potraits with people showing their tongue

C  O  U  R  A  G  E

14th floor of the Munich RE Office


L  O  V  E      P  O  S  T  C  A  R  D  S
postcards exhibited in different public places / munich


F  U  L  L  M  O  O  N      A  R  T
Idigital moving art  at group exhibition with other local artists


R  E  G  E  N  B  O  G  E  N  B  I  L  D  E  R
seletion of Acryl on Canvass shown in the showroom of Hotel Hasi, Bavaria


L  O  V  E   –  A  T  E  L  I  E  R   8
Exhibition in the architect studio 8 in waging, germany