The artist Björn Nonhoff was set up by the fact that museums and galleries were closed in the shutdown II on December 1st, 2020. Art and museums are vital sources of inspiration for humans. Thus, in his atelier, he decided to hold his own exhibition and went to the adjacent art association, where he served on the board of directors. Instead of removing the nails and closing the holes after an exhibition, he created new and primed canvasses of older artworks.
So the exhibition white – paintings behind the mask was born and the paintings are in placed in an impressive exhibition in the hall of the old distillery of the Kunstverein Ebersberg. An exhibition and room opened just for him and very few, well-selected artist, performing there. Behind the mask. Without public.
An exhibition for nobody – no public allowed
Due to the covid lockdown no public is allowed in Galleries and museums. All were locked down.
As a board member of the Kunstverein he had access to the gallery space. He put white color on the canvasses, like the masks on the faces. Took them to the exhibition space and put up his exhibition white – behind the mask.
Some performer had the rare luck to visit the space. Locked down – may in our heart there is wisdom and compassion with this difficult situation.
a german press article form this exhibition of NonAnoN – Mr Nonhoff and his rage
Hallo – a german newspaper berichtete am 10.12.2020 folgendes
An private exhibition with
As there is no public allowed to visit museums it is an exhibition just for himself. With real performances. Happening spontaneously or planned at long hand.
Here you see a virtual walk around the gallery
Lucia Light Performance on 13th of december – 6 o’clock
The end will be on of december when it is Lucia day – in sweden a wonderful blond woman with candles in her hair walks through the dark as an symbol for bringing light into the darkness.
The Klosterbauhof was quiet. The night still dark. Only a few laterns spread their light on the pflastersteine.
A full in whith clothed man lighed a candle and the early church glocken filled the space. When they silenced he started to sing and walked towards the old distillery – the kunstverein Ebersberg.
A few wonderful blond women, undressed and in their full beauty – carrying a candle in their hands followd him. They were clothed only with a mask on. Together they walked and sung the St. Lucia song in swedish.
it was a unique picture only the participants and the beauties of the night witnessed. But if – they would get goose bombs and being presented a picture they will never forget.
As no one was allowed in the room of the white exhibition, only the artist and his candle went into the rooms and placed a light there.
The naked elfes went back to their cars, dressed and the Klosterbauhof
Lockdown Performance 2 – on 2.12.2020
Peter Kees came and supported in a very kind way to transform the initial hanging of the white paintings into something which is developed into a unique room experience with an unknown impact on the visitors of the exhibition – which were locked away.
The 2 minutes video of the installed rooms is a spoken words performance of Björn Nonhoff leading into the space and questions to walk with.
Walk with questions in your heart.
What matters most?
What is really important to you?
Which painting is defining your life?
Speechless Sprachlos – Performance on 1.12.2020
the opening ceremonies 1.12.2020
Here is the virtual gallery walk through the lockdown art exhibition.
And some of the paintings.
deleted dance performances
An famous dancer with the vision of dancing the invisible and the artist improvising on voice, piano and saxophone did a series of dance performances in the space of the white exhibition. The inspiration and power of the empty rooms with the empty white canvasses were very powerful. So both experienced a deep dive into the unseen and what was reflected to them was so overwhelmig they together decided to also put the dance behind a mask.
Lockdown Dance Performance Session
A video of these Dance Performances will be published soon.
further Performances / Events upcoming
The performance speechless by the german poet Björn Nonhoff
talk & listening
if you like to share 60 minutes of listening whatever you like to talk about let us meet in the exhibition and share some of our dreams, thoughts, fears, hopes. As I consider it very healing to be heard this may spread a little luck among us. please ask for a time via email at
Price List valid since 3.12.2020
The titles of the artworks changed, the value went up.
- Loneliness, 350,- Euro
- Unschuld – innocence, 12.000,- Euro
Complete Exhibition White 42.000,- Euro
Room Concept
The room concept was born during the exhibition, when the artwork was finally placed by Peter Kees and Björn Nonhoff. It is an invitation of reflection where and who you are.
The entrance room is called the waiting room. You enter, do not know what to expect, where to go, can check the choices and arrive.
The long room with the piano and the artwork – lonelyness is called Bardo of Life. It reflects your life and the development and choices you can make during your life time.
The large room was called Bardo of becoming, as here are the most white canvasses, a fitness bike and a chair. You can sit on a bench, which was dedicated to Guru Rinpoche, the wellknown Guru from tibet. A fitness bike you can sit and train your body and mind. And a few combined canvasses from lost towards Fremdling. Here the visitor could sense the new unborn possibilities until he went out through the waiting room again.
Björn Nonhoff | Paintings behind the mask – white
1.12 – 13.12 im Kunstverein Ebersberg
Der Lockdown geht weiter. Grund genug eine Guerillia Ausstellung in den heiligen Hallen ohne jegliches Publikum stattfinden zu lassen. Die Anschaffung eines Anwesenheitsrobototers für persönliche Führungen steht und fällt mit der Finanzierung von Kultur. Unter der Rubrik „Bilder hinter der Maske“ gibt es die Lockdown Adventsausstellung nur im Internet oder durch die zugehängten Fenster zu besuchten. Oder sie haben Glück. Achtung!
Weiter Infos über den Künstler Björn Nonhoff und Ausstellung finden sie hier
Thanks – Danke
Danke an Peter Kees für die Hängung und Leihung des Fluchtfahrzeugs., den Kunstverein Ebersberg für die Räumlichkeiten, Anna Kanz für ihre Tanzperformance und die Stille für Inspiration. Danke der Stadt Grafing und Stadt Ebersberg und all Ihren Bürgern für das Sein in diesen Schweren Zeiten des Lock Downs.