lick my heart – show your tongue

lick my heart

Zunge zeigen – lick my heart

In 2015 I did my exhibition with photos taken between 1998 and 2015 of random people all over the planet  – asked to show thier tongue. Ausstellung lick my heart in 2015 

One single question: “can I take a picture of you, with your tongue out?” and they had time to decide to show it, or not. No Studio, no special lightning, the fist shot and than I got the picture of a mostly unkonwn person and an intimate moment of them showing their tongue. A symbol of speaking the truth.

A collection with over 400 Potraits of divers people of all race and color. 

The idea was born out of a ritual I did on my stage performances when telling the story of the dragon god famo. It is a wish fullfilling story and in the climax the public is asked to close their eyes and show their tongue.

Lick my heart – revisited – 

Back from the exhibition in a cozy wine bar the photos went back into the shelf. There idea developed to add acrylic paint on those photos. Always hesitated to put the original photographs in the internet. This fear was gone as the original hides behind a a level of color.

lick my heart
lick my heart – a wall without shame

in 2021 the wall without shame was first displayed in germany.

Peaceful Resistance – Friedvoller Widerstand

to show your tongue is a peacful and powerful way of showing resistance.

an old ancient habit for some cultures like in New Zealand.
And it is revealing that we are not giving up our freedom or our right to be and live in freedom.

lick my heart - zunge herausstreckenRevisited Exhibition Plans

I do not know if there will be a revival or another exhibition yet – the idea has the potential is what I feel – and may it would be good to do it together with other colleagues and supporters.

In Perperation – #zungezeigen – #ShowTongue

A hashtag for the twitter driven art performance where all useres can post a picture / selfie with them displaying their tongue.

Internet Kunst Aktion – Twitter art performance


Zungen Zeit Zeugen – tongue witness

I am looking forward, where this idea my grow to and who will join.

Tongue Exhibiton

life lines – Contemporary art work


an art series by Björn Nonhoff


145cm x 155 cm

acryl on canvass

#lifelines, 2017 by the artist Björn Nonhoff


my wish for this piece of work is, that it finds a place to a well-visited museum and gallery.

Our life is taking us to planned and unplanned areas. Some of them are like wide open space, others narrow and full of stress.

 This work reflects the integration of structure and chaos. It combines words, lines,

and spaces in order to show the different meeting points between them.

Words and graffiti-like taglines point from right into the left side.

The direction in the western world where we are heading.

The search on this meaning of inner perception and truth,

together with the endless issue to get it into the own lifeline.

contemporary art by Björn Nonhoff
lifelines, Detail with words written over the lines



 by that movement, they are also losing the clarity and are getting in some fog like state.

This horizontal movement of learning is crossed by blue tears running from the top to the bottom.

some of them end in space while others are transcending the frame of the artwork.

The picture connects at the top and at the bottom with a natural flow of lines.

In the series #lifelines, this #artwork is rare with its horizontal movements from left to right,

which give an ordering structure to the emotional mixture displayed be the natural running lines.

Momentary – The father son photo experience

Momentary – a gerhard richter inspired photo series

Artwork by Björn Nonhoff.

First Exhibition: planned 2018 in germany


About the series

When travelling to London for a father and son trip due to his 16th birthday we had to commute to Gatwick airport. The train was kind of slow and my son in an intermediate state after enjoying London and its highlights. So I took my Iphone and shot this panorama pictures. Due to the movement great effects came into the pictures. They reminded me on the rakel technique used by Gerhard Richter for some of his paintings.

Here is a selection of the photographies.



shooting back with peace

Shooting back – contemporary artwork

2017 by Björn Nonhoff, Acryl on canvass, 220 cm x 80 cm, price: 1500,- Euro


contemporary artwork by Björn Nonhoff


creative process – making of the artwork shooting back

The original artwork was inspired by water waves. Created in summer 2017 after a peaceful swim in the nearby lake Steinsee. In an atelier session, the tears were added and recorded as a video installation.

In October 2017 in a shooting in Las Vegas more than 50 people were killed and a good friend of mine died a few days after. This all filled me with anger and sadness. So in an atelier session, the tears were added and doing this the video installation “the shooting back” was recorded.

On the next day, looking at the white tears and symetry you see in the video the work still wasn’t finished. Decided to add the anger and chaos, which was put over the emotional layer of sadness.


As the shooting and violence around this planet came to a level which is not to tolerate anymore

in my sadness I started to make a little artwork ( 200cm x 80 cm) called shooting back.

With white color in the middle of the creation process  white tears ran down the canvass.

This experiment was captured on a video with a long player of Leonhard Cohen, hanging up and starting all by itself.


 Current exhibition in Munich Startup scene

The original is now exhibited in “The Lab” in the Werksviertel am Ostbahnhof, A new cultural innovation area, where artist and start ups and regular businesses come together in a very alive area in munich.

It is placed in the innovation Laboratory of the Munich RE group – as the artist himself combines the art of making artwork and innovative software as an IT architect and agile coach.

The artwork was combined whith a more peacful work called “content – zufrieden” and were placed in a room called Hauptstrasse in the LAB.


paperlove – contempory art exhibition

E x h i b i t i o n  – #paperlove

T h a n k   y o u   f o r   m a k i n g   t h i s   g  r  e  a  t   🙂

In January 2017 the artist Björn Nonhoff took his recent work and combined themin the rooms of the Kunstverein Ebersberg. A lot of people came and we had some great time, talking, looking, danying, enjoying art and life.

Thank  for all your time and love .

Here are some memories and movies from the exhibiton #paperlove 2017.

a walk through the exhibition on sunday, after the storytelling performance.

Before opening the exhibition I walked through it with my youngest son.

We felt like burglars in the museum and had fun exploring the different pictures.

and as a memory the invitation as well

t h e     a r t i s t     i s    p r e s e n c e  

Freitag 27.1.2017

O  P  E  N  I  N  G    &   D  A  N  C  E     P  E  R  F  O  R  M  A  N  C  E

Saturday  28.1.2017

 A  F  T  E  R  N  O  O  N     I  N  S  P  I  R  A  T  I  O  N  S

Sunday 29.1.2017

S  H  O   W    &    S  T  O  R  Y  T  E  L  L  I  N  G

C  O  U  R  A  G  E

H  O  N  E  S  T  Y

C  O  M  P  A  S  S  I  O  N

St   A  R  T  up

F  R  E  E  D  O  M

I  N  S  P  I  R  A  T  I  O  N

EXHIBITIONS – 2001 until 2016

26-28 November 2016

P  A  A  R  W  E  I  S  E

artist group of atelier north


L  I  C  K    M  Y    H  E  A  R  T

global photo installation , smartphone potraits with people showing their tongue

C  O  U  R  A  G  E

14th floor of the Munich RE Office


L  O  V  E      P  O  S  T  C  A  R  D  S
postcards exhibited in different public places / munich


F  U  L  L  M  O  O  N      A  R  T
Idigital moving art  at group exhibition with other local artists


R  E  G  E  N  B  O  G  E  N  B  I  L  D  E  R
seletion of Acryl on Canvass shown in the showroom of Hotel Hasi, Bavaria


L  O  V  E   –  A  T  E  L  I  E  R   8
Exhibition in the architect studio 8 in waging, germany