My latest Remix on the 10 commandments

During hypnosis the word no doesn’t matter. Our consciousness does recognize the spoken words. For example you use this fact to increase relaxation during hypnosis: “ … It doesn’t make a difference if you can or you can not relax now.” Unconsciousness is filtering the negation. After the sentence “do not think at pink elephants” you think more on pink elephants than before.

In the original 10 commandments it is written “you shall not murder”. So since thousands of year we are hypnotized to murder. The world is full of murder and hopefully an end is coming to that misery.

It is a pity, as I suppose that priest had this knowledge a long time ago. I do not want to ignore that anymore and it is my heart wish to remix the commandments, which I did to change this old hypnosis. Hope you like it and may peace increase and soon you can earn more money with peace than war.


10 commandments remix

10 commandments remix by Björn Nonhoff – – the poet


The 10 commandments – adopted by Björn Nonhoff –

1. Respect the faith of all people. They are based on loving compassion.
2. Recognize and search the divine in you
3. Be diligent in sharing knowledge and its sources
4. Dedicate sufficient time your heart and mind training
5. Respect your parents
6. Respect the life of all beings
7. Respect your relation and the relations of other beings. Let love be the foundation of your relationship.
8. Respect the property of others
9. Speak the truth and act according to it.
10. Practice in beeing content with all that is. Rejoice in the richness of your and the lives of others.


Storyteller, Author, Poet, IT Architect, systemic Coach and Inspiratör Welcome to the wonderfull world of words